So I happen to have a kick ass momma who through out the years has handed out some parenting advice to me. I thought I would honor her this Mother's Day by passing on the advice to you and my responses...of course.
1. Kids are always learning. - rather it be by t.v. or us or friends...they are always soaking up information. It's our job to make it the right information.
2. Imitation is an art form. - kids will imitate what they see and hear, always. (Bonus points if you take it one step further and imitate them too! For example, throw a fit in the middle of the supermarket along with your bundle of joy)
3. Kids have a lot to say. Listen. - what's that, Mom? I can't hear you over the blood curdling screams coming from your granddaughter because I gave her apple juice when she clearly wanted apple juice.
4. Kids are funny. - ok ok I get it. You enjoy hearing about how your grandchildren are driving me crazy. It's not THAT funny!
5. Sibling always love each even when they fight. - of course at times of such fights it's perfectly acceptable and even expected in some cases to bet on who will win. ("I'll see you a foot massage and raise you a diaper blow out!")
6. Kids will drive you insane. - NOW you're speaking my language!
7. Most kids want to be loved. - and slowly suck the life out of you.
8. You can either have a clean house or happy kids....seldom both. - if the messiness of the home is directly proportional to the happiness of the children, mine are euphoric.
9. They will bypass Daddy to get to Momma. - every. Freaking. Time.
10. If one likes something, the other is bound to hate it. - Still true of my brother and me to this day.
11. You will swear you are slowly losing your mind raising them. - having more than one is a sure fire way of shorting this trip.
12. Just when you think you can't take it anymore, they wrap their arms around you and say "I love you, Momma". -and suddenly you know you'll do it all over again tomorrow.
From my momma and me to you and yours....Happy Mother's Day
Great list! My kids must be extremely happy too as the house always looks like a bomb has hit it! We've taken to imitating our girls when they whinge about something and they either stop it or start laughing!